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About Conference

ME Conferences offers conferences on a variety of medical topics, including Cell, Stem Cells, and Cell Metabolism, all around the world. We cordially invite all Clinicians, Professors, Doctors, Researchers, Industrialists, Delegates, and Students to attend our 4th International Conference on Cell Metabolism, which will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands on September 19-20, 2022. The conference's major focus is "Cell Symposia: Metabolites in Signaling and Disease," and it will address a wide range of crucial issues. The conference is a gathering of scholars who will present their work, discuss it, identify key challenges, and establish future research paths on specific topics.

The CELL METABOLISM 2022 conference seeks to bring together some of the world's top academic and industry experts to discuss the most cutting-edge discoveries in stem cells and to spark debate about the future direction and expansion of research. Our Conference brings together experts from all over the world in a unique setting to discuss their research on cells and stem cells. Hands-on workshops, full papers, work-in-progress papers, panels, and posters are all part of the conference's intensive two-day programme. The wide-ranging themes in Stem cells feature research from experts in a variety of sectors, including Genetics, Tissue Engineering, Neurological Disorders, Regenerative Medicine, and Gene Therapy, among others. A scientific exhibition will be held at CELL METABOLISM 2022, where top firms will display cutting-edge products that have gained clinical recognition and are particularly relevant to the delivery of high-quality patient care. Our previous conventions' ambiance and environment were a hit with our speakers, and we're confident you'll enjoy it as well. Join now to discover the finest in Medical and Education Conferences. Register now so that we can keep you up to date on events that will be of interest to you.Let us meet in one of the most glorious cities in the world.

CELL METABOLISM 2022- Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission for Plenary/Keynote Speakers/Young Research Forum/Posters. Please make sure that your abstract must contains 250-300 words..

Abstract Submission Link:


Submit your Abstract to:

Who Can Attend?

  • Assist/Assoc/Professors             
  • Research Members / Scholars
  • Departments Head/Deans         
  • Directors / CEO's of Companies and Organizations         
  • Graduates and Post Graduates
  • Stem Cells Societies and Associations

Mode of Participations:

  • Keynote Presentations
  • Speaker Presentations
  • Oral Presentations
  • Poster Presentations
  • Delegates
  • Video Presentations
  • E-Poster Presentation
  • Sponsor/Exhibitor Booth




Track 1: Cell Biology

Cell Biology is a science that studies the molecular structure, function, and behaviour of cells in the complex tissues and organs of the human body in order to better understand disease causes.

  • Cell Organelles: Function and Dysfunction
  • Cell Shape and Polarity: Dynamic Control
  • Growth Factors in Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Recombinant Protein Expression and Cell Line Generation

Track 2: Cellular and Gene Therapy

Cell therapy is a treatment that involves injecting cellular material into a patient. There are two types of cell therapy: standard drug-based cell therapy and stem cell-based cell therapy. This is frequently the focus of extensive investigation and the cornerstone of therapeutic benefit potential. In alternative medicine, the second class maintains the practise of injecting animal products to cure disease.

  • Cell Therapy Products
  • Vectors Used In Gene Therapy
  • Viral Gene Therapy
  • Gene Therapy For Diseases

Track 3: Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine is a vast topic that encompasses tissue engineering as well as self-healing or self-repair research, in which the body uses its own processes or recreates cells and reassembles them into tissues and organs with the assistance of foreign biological material.

Track 4: Cancer Cell Biology

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. When old cells do not die, cancer spreads uncontrollably, resulting in the formation of new, aberrant cells. A tumour is a collection of extra cells that can become a mass of tissue. Cancer can strike at any time and in any part of the body. Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers found in women.

  • Cancer Epidemiology
  • Cancer Detection, Prevention And Diagnosis
  • Cancer Stem Cells
  • Cancer And Precision Medicine

Track 5: DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis

The processes of RNA (transcription), DNA, and protein (translation) synthesis are essential for all living things. Transcription is started by RNA polymerase attaching to a promoter region and uncoiling a segment of DNA that will be utilised as the template.

Track 6: Lipid Metabolism

When glucose levels are low, the body can use lipids as an alternate source of energy. Lipids are normally stored as triglycerides, and the conversion to glycerol and fatty acids, which then enter the Krebs cycle, is the first step in lipid metabolism.

Track 7: Neuronal Metabolism

Submembrane glycolysis linked to membrane ion pumping (i.e. Na/K ATPase, K-ATP channels, etc. ), aerobic glycolysis for pyruvate creation for aerobic metabolism, and NADH/ATP generation via the TCA cycle within mitochondria are all part of neuronal metabolism.

Track 8: Carbohydrate Metabolism

Carbohydrate metabolism is a crucial biochemical process that guarantees that living cells have a steady supply of energy. The most significant carbohydrate is glucose, which can be broken down by glycolysis, enter the Kreb's cycle, and be converted to ATP via oxidative phosphorylation.

Track 9: Stem Cell Technologies

Immature Microorganism Innovation resembles a streak-forming field that brings together the efforts of cell biologists, geneticists, and physicians to provide hope for effective treatment of a variety of dangerous and non-threatening diseases.

Track 10: Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells have the ability to regenerate and repair all of the tissues in the human body, making them ideal candidates for future therapeutic applications in tissue regeneration and repair.

Track 11: Stem Cell Transplantation

Undeveloped Cell Transplantation (SCT) is a life-saving procedure for a variety of dangerous and non-harmful illnesses. Another sort of SCT grouping is used as a source of undifferentiated organisms, and the words used are When fundamental Microorganisms are obtained from the bone marrow; Peripheral blood undeveloped cell transplant (PBSCT) – when undeveloped Microorganisms are obtained from the blood; Cord Blood Transplant (CBT) – when undeveloped Microorganisms are obtained from rope placental blood.

Track 12: Stem Cell Culture

Stem cells are the progenitors of various cell lineages, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. ESC-like cells called inducible pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are produced from Somatic differentiated cells utilising particular transcription factors or substances.

Track 13: Stem Cell Biology

Immature Microorganism an undifferentiated cell that can partition to deliver some Offspring Cells that proceed as foundational Microorganisms and a few cells that are bound to separate (become specific).

Track 14: Stem Cell Treatment

Undeveloped cell transplants are a method that re-establishes blood-framing immature Microorganisms in people who have had theirs exploded by extremely high doses of Chemotherapy or radiation therapy used to treat specific cancerous growths.

  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Retinitis
  • Autism

Track 15: Stem Cell Niche

Stem Cell Niche is a region of a tissue that distributes an unique Microenvironment, in which undifferentiated and self-renewing stem cells are present. The Stem Cell Niche connects with stem cells to keep them alive or help them differentiate.

  • Epithelial Stem Cell
  • Stem Cell Fate
  • Haematopoietic Stem Cells
  • Osteoblastic Cell

Track 16: Stem Cell Medicine

Stem Cell therapy, also known as Regenerative Medicine, uses Stem Cells or their derivatives to activate the repair response of diseased, impaired-functioning, or wounded tissue. These stem cells are used to specialise into specific cell types such heart muscle cells, blood cells, and nerve cells.

Track 17: Stem Cell Preservation

The human body is a wonderland of sensations. Cells, tissues, organs, and frameworks have never failed to astonish even the most seasoned physician with the astonishing miracles and systems that develop within the human life form. The human body has its own administrative, detoxifying, and repairing frameworks.

Track 18: Stem Cell Stroke

stroke is a medical emergency marked by a quick loss of mental abilities due to an unsettling influence in the blood flow to the Cerebrum. Fundamental Microorganisms will travel throughout the body, detecting damaged cells and tissues and attempting to repair and restore them. Undifferentiated Cells can also help existing normal Cells and tissues work at a higher capacity, enhancing the body's own repair processes to aid in the healing and recovery process. These incredibly adaptable cells remain in the body, constantly re-modeling themselves and repairing damaged tissues.

Track 19: Stem Cell Infertility

Stem cells are a type of cell that emerges from the embryonic and foetal stages of development to generate a population of uniformed cells. Stem cells have the ability to generate cells that will eventually create various tissues and organs. They are seen as unreached alternative fresh possibilities. Because of their unlimited source and strong differentiation strength, therapeutic medications for infertility patients.

Track 20: Stem Cell Differentiation

Stem cell differentiation is the process of transforming a stem cell into a more professionalised cell, resulting in the loss of some of the stem cell's developmental Dormant. Stem cell differentiation occurs during an organism's development to make new specialised cells, as well as in adults to replenish cells that have been lost.

Track 21: Stem Cell Diabetes

It will take years to develop and evaluate a truly effective Stem Cell-based therapy for Diabetes. The two most significant obstacles are obtaining a sufficient quantity of Insulin-producing cells and protecting these cells from immune system attack. It is now possible to generate Insulin-producing cells from human ESCs and iPS cells, which represents a huge step forward in resolving the Beta Cell supply shortage.

Track 22: Stem Cell Mammocult

Mammocult Medium (Human) is a serum-free culture medium that has been optimised for the production of Mammo-Spheres and Tumorspheres from human breast cancer cell lines. Hydrocortisone Stock Solution and Heparin Solution are also required for the entire Mammocult Medium preparation.

Track 23: Cell Metabolism

The series of chemical events that occur in living organisms in order to preserve life is referred to as cellular metabolism. Complex sequences of controlled biochemical events, also known as metabolic pathways, are involved in cellular metabolism. These mechanisms let organisms to develop and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to changes in their environment.




To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 19-20, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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